Sunday, December 23, 2007

Eve of the Eve

I borrowed the title from a note from stepdaughter Linda; I think it's a nice name for Dec. 23. But I'm feeling pretty blue today. It's just me and Stan for Christmas, no other family here. Even Stan said yesterday, "I was just thinking it was a lot more fun when Jane and Dan were here." Now they're in Omaha, Elise, Kyrin & Pedro are up from Tampa and visiting his folks in Oswego (we'll visit them Dec. 26, weather permitting), Linda & Art are in Heber City, and Lana is in Austin, TX. Such a spread-out family sounds impressive--and it really is--but it's not as much fun on traditional family holidays. Since they are so far apart we'll only see them together at chance occurrences like weddings, or god forbid, funerals. So on other holidays we all travel as much as we can afford to. And I know that statistically there's apparently more people who visit relatives at Thanksgiving, I can get along alone with Stan on that holiday. This is the one that's harder. Maybe next year Stan will consider going to one of their houses for Christmas .....

Meanwhile, the weather is as gray as my mood. It's 43 degrees in Plattsburgh and our icicles, which were pretty impressive, are mostly melted. That's a good thing (in Martha-speak). Stan was up on the roof all afternoon yesterday shoveling off the snow. Nearly killed himself, the over-zealous idiot. But we do know that when the rain comes tonight it won't add weight to the roof because the snow is gone from it. That's Stan sometimes, safe but stupid. He keeps forgetting he's not 35 anymore!

Well, I did my treadmill like a good girl. Now I'm off to the showers. And maybe I'll make another batch of Spritz cookies, my favorites.


Pi said...

You are so crafty with your text colors!!! Can't wait to see you! Kyrin's LOVING the snow. Go figure....

Kate said...

I miss my extended family, too! We need to see each other more often. At least we have the Web to keep in touch better. Hugs!