Stan & I haven't done a southern vacation for several years. Last time was our 2d trip to Tiamo, a lovely resort on South Andros in the Bahamas. Stan loved bonefishing and I loved snorkeling and sunning. But Tiamo would cost about $7K for a week now, far far far beyond what we're willing to spend. Next southern winter trip may be a 1-2 month rental in FL; I'm thinking Homossassa area (1 hr north of Tampa) or the Sebring area (about an hour east of Tampa). I'm going to have fun looking!
We went to an NHL game while in Tampa: the Tampa Bay Lightning vs. the Buffalo Sabres.
Kyrin was a perfect child as usual. She has grown so much since we saw her in December! One month and she's a rootin' tootin' toddler.
I'm sure I know the model for the Energizer Bunny! She's getting ever cuter as her own darling personality infuses her looks. This picture was taken on our trip to Tampa's excellent aquarium. All of us had a good time.
The last photo is of Pedro playing "monkey man" (he created the name, not me!).
Pedro & Elise had their kitchen floor retiled while we were there and none of us thought about the fact we wouldn't be able to walk on it for a night! So Pedro got into the cabinets for things like plates and silverware--we hadn't planned to order out but had to. (It was a good thing we had the hockey game the next night because the stove was still in the family room!) He did a great job balancing! Stan & I have to say again how much we enjoyed the visit and say a giant thank you to Pedro & Elise.
It was a pleasure having you as always... the floor turned out great and we thank you for your help through the transition. About the picture, you could of told me to pull my pants up!
Great work.
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