Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year!

I hope your 2009 will be a year of good things. My only resolution is to stay as happy as I've been in 2008. There were bumps, of course, but absolutely nothing so bad I didn't survive. I mean, I'm here writing this, right?

I deconstructed Christmas in the house today: took down the tree and boxed all the "house deco's" (hey, that's what's on the box they're in; of courseI wrote that on the box but so what). It didn't make me as sad as it often has in the past, although I don't know why. But the house is back to just a house, and that's okay. On with the year.

Before I do get on with the year, though, I have to show you the only new decoration I bought this year. (I wish I could put pictures horizontally in a row but you'll just have to suffer through scrolling.) I didn't know which shot really shows this piece best so you get two:

That's actually a glass block, of the kind used for glass block walls/windows, wrapped in a beautiful bow and then, the coolest part, those are Christmas lights on the inside. I just love it. I had it on a timer so it went on when the tree did and until I went to spend some time in the living room, that was the only light in there. It was really pretty.

And since I'm doing my Christmas photos a bit late here, I'm adding one of Susie (or Suzi, when I think she looks particularly glamorous). The snowman she's in love with usually sits on a window sill but was knocked off when I opened the living room drapes. She could not resist sharing his space, so to speak. It was too cute. (She's a very private cat and unaccustomed to PDAs.)

His black hat and very white body must have attracted her! I took several shots and she didn't move. That's pretty committed, for a cat.

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