Monday, June 29, 2009

Age and Grace

About a week ago I was doing my lunges at the gym and they are hard! I was holding a 10 lb. dumbbell in each hand (I've always had strong arms and legs). On the last lunge I stepped forward and genuflected on my very tired legs, and in getting up I started coming back with my forward foot too fast. My legs were so tired that I couldn't straighten out the stationary one at all. I started going backwards and the dumbbells continued that motion. I was falling backwards in slo-mo and I couldn't stop! I couldn't pick my foot up fast enough to get my balance back. I'm sure I could have stopped the backward motion had I just dropped the dumbbells, but no way was I going to do that! The floor is elevated in the weights area and sort of hollow so that when a weight is dropped it almost gongs loud and low--VERY! Anyone who doesn't have earbugs in turns to look and I absolutely couldn't have that. So I grimly clung to the dumbbells and managed to stop myself from landing flat on my back--it was more a very, VERY deep genuflection with a backwards slant. I let go of the weights the nanosecond they touched the floor so it wasn't a complete disaster. And I didn't hurt anything!

Even when it happened I thought it was funny and I can only imagine what it looked like. I would love to have seen film footage.....

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