Thursday, May 6, 2010

Catching Up

I really wanted to use this frequently but then along came Facebook and I get by on pithy sentences (and many, many not so pithy). So I’ll get a little caught up here before I wander away again.

My Mimi-sitting gig in Cleveland was terrific. (I did get some sort of stomach bug that made me SO sick that it almost overshadows the really good memories from that. No more about that!) Kaitlyn and Courtney are just beautiful. I’m as in awe of them as I was of Emily & Jenny at those ages. It surprises me how much I can love these little girls, again echoing how surprised I was about that capability with my own two beauties.

When I came in the house, Katie immediately gave me the “Vanna White tour.” I realize that 3-yr-olds talk constantly, but this was really amazing. The highlight was her tour of the guest lavatory, with its “toe-let” and accompanying “toe-let paper.” I was shown where the handle for flushing was and how to wash my hands. And in her and Courtney’s rooms, I had to see how the closet doors worked. And my camera was packed in my suitcase and not handy in my purse. Rats. A real opportunity missed.

But while Emily & Pete were away and I was the Mimi, the three of us went for walks and went to the park (I knew where it was because Emily & I had gone there before they left),

looked at flowers and threw stones off bridges into the creek that runs behind the house. Spring in Cleveland was all that I’d forgotten about spring in Iowa: so many things can flower simultaneously, it was truly beautiful.

The girls at the park were so much fun. Tiring but fun. Pushing on swings, climbing up and then sliding down slides. Playing in the big sandbox. And Katie’s propensity for finding 7-9-yr.-old kids and asking them, “Will you be my friend?” They then help push on swings and slide down slides. Those kids were so … wholesome, such good kids.

Meals were a challenge for me to follow the rules of the house. It was the timing more than anything that I tried to be conscious of. I was just really getting the hang of it, I think, when Emily & Pete came home … and I was really glad they were home. I was tired! I realized again why people my age don’t have babies!

The drive was easy, and good for me. I needed to get out into city traffic again to reassure myself that I could do that. Living in my isolated little part of the world, I lose my confidence in managing the big parts of the world. Busy cities are exciting for me, and I’m glad to know that I’m not that overwhelmed by them!

I’m probably willing to Mimi-sit again, but I’m not sure if I can do it with a baby again. Just carrying one of those infant carseats will kill me! But the joy from the kids? Priceless.

(BTW, here are my granddaughters sane and normal parents.)

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