Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th to everyone. It's raining here and I hope it keeps up for several more hours; we really need it. (I've never been able to figure out why the earth can't store extra water for times when it's needed. That would have been a sensible evolutionary move in my view!) Anyway, my garden would appreciate about a 4-hour soft rain. I doubt we'll get that but all is appreciated.

The rain does put a dent in many Fourth of July celebrations--the type with fireworks, at least. Here, the mayor of lovely Pburgh decided to save money by moving the fireworks to Friday, the 6th. That way it's part of the sailboat race "Mayor's Cup" celebration and there's no need for a 2d fireworks display. So for us the rain is really not a problem. I sympathize for those whose fireworks will be rained out though.

I'm actually doing this post because my youngest sister, Siara, took one of the best photos of me that I've seen in a long time. It was at Jane's wedding so I'm all dressed up, wearing make-up and everything. Well, at least eye make-up and lipstick, which is all I ever wear. Anyway, I really like the photo. Here it is.


Pi said...

Hot mama! You looked great that night. And what a great photo to remember it by!!!!

Kate said...

You really do look fabulous, Starla. You look gorgeous and happy, and your dress is to die for!

Anonymous said...

Dare I say you look ravishing? Positively glowing!