Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Drawer Pulls Redux

Well, I think it worked. The muy expensivo new hardware did update the dresser set as much as it could and I think it looks pretty good. You be the judge.

We're both pretty happy with the change. Like I said, the quality of the pieces is a level I can't afford at current prices. Stan showed me the original price of the chest-on-chest: $169.95. That was in 1961!

My sister Amber asked if the lamp ever made it to Elise & Pedro's--I had tons of trouble getting it from NY to FL. We finally took it down in Stan's bag, swathed in bubble wrap. It made it in one piece, but there was no way to get the shade there too. So I have a perfectly good lampshade tucked (as much as you can tuck something that size--they are truly obnoxious!) into a closet. And Elise got a shade that she likes for the lamp, a beautiful wine-red color. Fitting, don't you think?

Today my goal is to stay alive. This upper respiratory thing both Stan & I have is really a killer. I'm pretty sure mine morphed into a sinus infection. (I think his did too but he won't do anything about it for at least another week--anything as in, see a doctor.) I have an annual check-up scheduled for tomorrow so I'll ask then for antibiotics. Keep your fingers crossed.


Kate said...

It really looks fabulous. It's like getting brand-new furniture! Is that Gramma's clock on the dresser? The beads on the mirror remind me of her, too.

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