Sunday, August 3, 2008


I'm not a very good blogger. I just don't have the push to do this every day. I admire those who do but it'll be awhile before this becomes a daily task for me. Mainly because I'm just not that interesting. And this isn't meant as a whine, just an observation.

I did have fun at my nephew's wedding in Milwaukee last weekend. Jane & Dan came from NE and Elise & Kyrin from FL, so I got to spend a lot of time with them and it was a blast. Kyrin got to know me enough to come running down the hall in the hotel saying, "Mimi!" Or "Grammy" sort of. (I think Mimi is pretty neat.) She's at the age where she's growing so fast that a break of a few months in seeing her (like 6!) means she's a whole 'nother person. And a total cutie. And dancing with Jane & Dan was so much fun. First I love to dance, and second, I'm always in awe of my daughter's gracefulness. Elise was a gymnast--perfect petite bouncer--and Jane a dancer--totally focused ballerina, and I got to see that in them again for awhile. What fun.

It is rainininininininig here, what feels like constantly. Actually real raindrops have not fallen from the sky for a few hours now and it feels 1) like a miracle, and 2) like they don't have to fall because the air is already so wet. It's been raining for what feels like forever. In June it rained 27 out of 30 days; July it was 21 out of 31. So far August is 3 for 3. We're all beginning to check for mold or algae in armpits, elbow and knee bends. The house smells a bit musty--no sun to dry ANY air will do that here. My garden's flowers are working hard at being pretty but ... ah, it is NOW falling out of the sky, and we so needed the rain ... they could use sun, really! Snails will be taking over everything soon. GACK. Stan picked about a dozen snails off the hosta just outside our back door last week--I mean picked up with his fingers! Talk about GACK. But I saw my snake in my garden today so some bugs will meet their demise; I wonder if snakes eat snails.....

Okay, no photos this time so I'll go away. Maybe I'll get back more frequently; I'm trying to turn over yet another new leaf (do I look like a shrub to anyone out there?).

1 comment:

Kate said...

Too bad I can't send Nathan over to take care of your snails. He poured salt on the snails in my garden. He asked me for permission first - I said, "Sure, go ahead... they'll either be killed by your salt or my snail bait!" Snails are nasty creatures. Yuck.