Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Low Night

I'm feeling very fat tonight. Yes, I know I'm loved and liked and appreciated. But that doesn't take away the fact that I feel fat tonight. And last night. And today. And I know I'm not obese. But I want to lose 20 lbs, need to lose 20 lbs. (My doctor: "You're overweight.") And I've upped my exercise--I'm either walking or at the gym doing strength training 6 days out of 7 most weeks.

But I have to eat far less than I do. And I really don't want to do that. I know it's under my control and that no one can do it for me. But I thought I was doing most things in moderation. Apparently not.

And I cook for my husband, who can barely boil water without written instructions, each step numbered. I do make healthy meals; I just eat too much of them. I'm going to have to start using a sandwich plate at dinner. Boy, that sounds really exciting. I could go back on the South Beach Diet. That worked for me and I still lean that way, staying away from starchy carbs. Getting back off the sweet things again is clearly necessary.

See? I know what I need to do. I'm trying to find a way to do it. First rule has to be NPO from after dinner on. Except for water or diet soda.

Okay. Done whining for tonight.

Best news of the day? I'm not hungry right now. And next time I'll post about our State Fair trip. With pictures.

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