Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Retired Life

I’m sitting here on a night after a day in which I did pretty much what I want to: I got up at 7:50, went to the gym at about 9:00, swam about ½ mile, came home feeling pretty righteous, farted away the next 1½ hrs. Had a really saintly lunch of salad w/o carbs, read at the station for 2 hrs., gave blood, farted away another 1½ hrs., and had dinner at Friendly’s and went to a PSU Men’s Hockey game. (It was a bloodbath; we won 9-3 against Skidmore). Then a nice conversation w/Laura, who has a new man in her life and is sounding so positive and upbeat. Bruce & I are so hoping that he isn’t another user/heart-breaker. She seems to be such an easy target for that kind of man.

I’m  hoping I convinced Laura that we are NOT thinking of selling the house and moving … anywhere. I think maybe Leanne got that idea in her head and there is nothing further from the truth. We’ll spend a month in Florida and then … come HOME. I’ve said that if we ever vacate this house, it will be on Bruce’s volition. That realtor visit threw everyone. And *I* am laughing; Bruce would be too, if he knew what a tizzy it threw many into!! I’ll say it again: If we ever leave this house, it will be Bruce’s decision. I will NOT be saddled with the blame of “forcing Bruce out of his house.” He knows this. If anyone else needs to know this, they do now.

But I’m beginning to love being truly retired. I call the shots. My schedule is set by me. My only worry is that I’m limiting myself. Book myself not enough = boredom. Over-book myself = resentment (not true, I know, but it’s there nonetheless). That happy medium is there somewhere and I’ll find it.

Good night.

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