Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Endorphins Can Do

I'm back in the exercising mode. And I really really really want to stay here. It's so very easy to put this at the bottom of priorities, which I've done for years. But this week I got some pretty clear indicators: miss exercising for two days and gain .5 lbs. I realize that my scale goes by 1/2 lbs. And I realize that my water retention affects my weight so much so that I'm not sure what I really do weigh. But just going by the scale clearly means that I MUST work out in some way six days out of seven. Do you know how much of a day that takes? I can't believe anyone who isn't retired has time for this! If I leave for the gym between 9 and 9:30,I'm home at about 10:30 - 10:50. Then I have to blow-dry my hair. Wipe out my morning up till 11:00--or even 11:30. Then I might as well have lunch (I'm usually hungry anyway) and my working day starts at about 12:30. I guess that's not bad for a retired person, but I have to break myself of the years-long habit of doing nothing productive in the evening and get some stuff done then. I'm sure I'll figure it out. Meanwhile, I'm grateful that my health is good and my body keeps moving ... at least so far.


1 comment:

Pi said...

Now do all that with 1 or two kids in tow! :) I hear ya - the gym is an all morning/afternoon event here!