Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow, the curse of winter

It’s still snowing. I’m not sure what our total is officially but looking at our metal roof, I’d say about 12” so far.

This was taken this morning, about 11, out the front window. (It’s Bruce’s “artistic” creation that shelters our fledgling birdsnest spruces.) So add about 3-4" to the stacks of snow here. The weatherman actually weighed a shovelful of snow on the news tonight: 15 lbs. Wet and not fun. It started snowing last night and as I write, at 11 p.m., it is still snowing. And another storm hits tomorrow.

Usually I would help shovel and just sigh. But this week we’re supposed to be leaving for Florida and our trip gets delayed by a day and then another. Initially we were going to leave on Thursday. Now I’m hoping for Saturday. Look at this weather forecast ! AAAARRRGGGHHH!

I’m telling myself that this is not a disaster. There are many people in far worse situations than I. (Can I unclench my jaw now?) I just had to vent.

I’m hoping the next time I write I’ll be sitting on our dock!

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