Friday, July 30, 2010

The Wonders of Technology!

I just have to post about the cool thing I just did.

I'm editing my audio tapes--I think I've mentioned that I read novels for the vision-impaired--and this time it's Gone with the Wind. The way this is done is to make 30-minute digital "tapes" at a recording studio at the local PBS station, bring them home on a flash-drive and edit them here. The 30-minute tapes are edited for errors, stumbles, too-long pauses, mispronunciations, etc. You get the picture. They usually wind up being about 24-25 minutes long. Then I "mix them down" into 55-minute episodes (with a 45-second break in the middle) and return them to the station, where the program's coordinator adds music, an intro that includes a synopsis of the previous episode (which I've provided typed out), and a closing w/music. (This is all done with Adobe's Audition program.)

So I was editing along and got to a sentence with the word daguerreotype in it, and when I had read that sentence, I couldn't remember how I had pronounced it when I'd read it earlier in the book. (It has 2 acceptable pronunciations.) Being a topnotch reference librarian (still!), I went to, and found the version of the book, GWTW, that you can look inside. I searched for the word daguerreotype, found the page on which it had occurred, opened my edited tape containing that page, found the spot where I'd read it before and heard the way I had pronounced it then so I could do it the same way for this occurrence. I'd read it both ways this time around just so I could do this while editing, so I just deleted the other one and my reading will be consistent.

Ya just gotta love the power of technology!

1 comment:

Pi said...

First - that's awesome. Organization at it's finest!
Second - you, and only you, would be concerned with the pronunciation of the word daguerreotype.
Third - you, and only you, would be concerned that you said the word daguerreotype the same way twice!

You, and only you, are awesome. What a perfect, perfect volunteer outlet for you. And people wonder why I'm so anal-retentive on certain things. <3