Monday, July 7, 2008

July at Last

I am so happy it's finally July. It means I get to go to my nephew's wedding and see my daughters, granddaughter and siblings. I'm so excited. I'll see most of the rest of the extended family too, because it sounds like most of Marie's grandchildren and great-grandkids will be there. TERRIFIC. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

We've had some nice summer days recently. On Thursday I went walking on my usual 2.5 mile "walk around the block" and it was soooo nice that I did it again! And the endorphins were f a b u l o u s! I actually felt a little buzzed! I never had that happen before and I loved it. Maybe it's something I can catch again. But I did the 5-miler this morning and it didn't happen. Wrong shoes, I'm convinced. In a couple of days I'll try it again; I find that too many of the double trips don't sit well with my hips (pun intended).

I'm busy working for the Readers' Radio, having just started Cold Mountain. It's one of my favorite novels and is fun to read again. I read it myself, then read it aloud to Stan and now am reading it aloud again. The editing of my digital tapes is a pain but it has to be done. Maybe if I really dedicate myself this novel will take less than a year, as most take. (I'm learning perseverance in my old age! Now who would have predicted that for me?)

Happy summer to all--it's almost 90 here today and I love it.

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