Thursday, July 10, 2008

Parallel Lives

You know how everyone is supposed to have a doppelganger somewhere on this planet? I actually met someone yesterday who may be mine. There are life parallels that are remarkable.

First, she has a beautiful and somewhat unusual name: Athena. She doesn't look like me but she's very attractive, I think. (Don't you?) It's her background and possible future that are eerily like my life was/is. I have my B.A. in Theatre. Athena has a B.A. in Theatre. I then became a librarian. Athena wants to get her Master's in library science--that's actually how the conversation started, when she found out I was a librarian. Then it turns out that she spent a semester at a famous fashion school as a fashion merchandising major, just like I spent a semester at Stout State University, part of the Wisconsin State system and one of the top home ec schools in the country. Her birthday is in August, as is mine. She's more than 30 years younger than I but that's okay. We got along famously nonetheless.

She's currently working for an Arts Council. I met her at a meeting I had to attend because I'm writing the grant proposal for the Oratorio Society I sing with. (I believe that if you belong to an organization and it gives you something, you need to give back. So you volunteer or run for an office or the like.) We had this very, very nice conversation after the meeting. I'm hopeful that she'll get into the Syracuse University online M.S.L.S. program; she would only have to go to campus a few times for 2-3 weeks and could do the rest from her home in northeastern NY.

I'm really hopeful of seeing Athena again. I'm going to get someone to go down to a production at the theatre her husband manage and will definitely look for her. I just had to share this with the five people who read this!

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