Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rainy Saturday

It's a rainy day today and that's actually a good thing. A month earlier I'd have been whining about moremoremore rain, but for unknown reasons, today it feels good. When I walked this morning I was in drizzle about half the time but it wasn't cold drizzle so I was fine with it.

It's a good day for napping. This is the way Bruce (and I've decided to use real names 'cuz no one really reads this!) looks when he "rests his eyes."

Actually, this isn't even the best. When he dozes off after starting to work on the crossword puzzle he never even puts down his pen! He really looks likes he's still awake if you just glance at him. What a talent.

I just took an apple pie out of the oven. Bruce asked me today how many pies I've made in my life and I realized that it isn't really all that many. I gave myself a (rather generous) rough average of 6/year and I've been making pies for about 30 years. That's only about 180 pies. I'd thought initially I'd been doing it for 20 yrs. but I remember baking pies in Iowa, I'm pretty sure. I started well before I got my Cuisinart and I realized today while making piecrust in it that I've had it since 1982, so it's more than 20 years. But still, it's under 200 pies. That's not that many.

Maybe Bruce should have asked how many cupcakes I've made.....

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