Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Facebook or here?

I'm starting to become more active on Facebook and it's put my blogging into second place, I fear. But I like to write paragraphs and not just 1-2 phrase/sentence messages so I'll come here to actually write something (even when, as now, I have basically nothing to write about). So here I am.

Bruce & I went to a PSU hockey game last night, a good, fast-moving game against Norwich University. I don't know how those young men do it, a total of 60 minutes full-bore skating. Wow, it was a fast game. And we won, which was good. One of our goals was a slap shot from almost the blue line; impressive.

Daughter Elise just posted a photo on her blog that scared the bejesus out of me. It's a pregnant woman's belly with the clearly visible outline of a fetal foot pressed against it, from the inside, of course. I was so relieved to see her write that it wasn't a picture of her pregnant belly! I did go to, the urban legend checker-uppers, and they said they're not sure if it's a real or doctored photo. It's apparently been around since 2004. Wow.

It snowed and snowed today and the radar weather maps show more on the way. (It looks like it's stopped for now.) I think I'll try to snowshoe tomorrow a.m. rather than a regular walk "around the block." I haven't gained back the 7.5 lbs. I lost before Thanksgiving--miracle of miracles--and would love to lose more. But I have to get back on the very low carbs wagon and I'm finding that harder than I thought. The exercise should help.

Keep up with my Facebook pages; I've added some funny photos as I'm scanning old slides from late '70s and early '80s.

This one, for example. It's my sister Alicia and me in 1979, according to the date on the slide. Don't you love the glasses? I think I'll eventually get all my photos onto my computer and then make discs for the girls and let them throw them away. I don't want them to have to sort through photos like we did when my mom died. And on that pleasant thought, good night!

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