Friday, March 27, 2009

Back in not-Tampa

So I got home about 1 1/2 weeks ago. The weather has been bearable for the most part, especially yesterday and today: highs in the 40s & 50s, tomorrow it may get to the 60s. It rained last night and that sounded so good. I like the not-snow part of it.

The trip back from FL was fine, except for the fact that I should have listened to Elise and bought the $79 ticket online on Tuesday. To save the $13.50 "convenience fee" for online purchase, I figured we'd go to the airport and buy directly. Yeah. Brilliant. At the airport on Wednesday the ticket was $169!!!! Plus all the fees and taxes it came to $194. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH. It really felt like bait-and-switch to me. I should have stayed for another week and bought the $79 ticket for the next Wednesday online. I'm still kicking myself for that.

Being home is nice, though. I really did miss Bruce and my house & neighborhood. The walks in Tampa could be 4 miles because they were over totally flat terrain; here there are two hills, one of which is truly a killer, so my walks are only 2.5 miles. But I never panted in FL and I do here! However, I did get some color in my face which, walking in the spring sunshine here, will only increase. I know all the medical stuff about tanning but dang, it looks good to have a face that isn't winter-pallor white!

I had to create an answer key for my textbook this week. Yuck. That was a royal pain. The assignments I wrote look perfectly understandable to me, but I guess I can understand why someone buying the book might want a clue on how to grade them! So I put my nose to the grindstone and churned it out, finishing yesterday. It felt good to just get it done.

Spring seems to be improving nearly everyone's lives: Jane is brightening up and her job sounds like it's evolving into a better one; Elise is less hormonal now that beautiful Courtney is here; Linda has her ranch on the market and there are people interested in it (!); and Lana is looking at job changes that can only be positive. Thank goodness for spring. As I said in earlier posts, this has been a nasty winter.

Bruce didn't like it either and is actually open to the idea of my ex finding us a student to house-sit for about a month next winter while we explore our reactions to living in Florida. I've looked at the Homosassa area and now will try to check out, just online, the Venice area that Elise likes a lot for us. And the central part of the state is something Bruce might be interested in too. Being there for a month would give us a chance to explore those areas in the flesh. The one VERY exciting thing is that we've agreed to get a realtor into the house sometime before the end of the year to give us an idea of what we could expect to ask, and as Jane & Elise both suggested, to tell us what we'd need to do to get the best price. Maybe we'll do a TV segment! (Joke)

Gotta go. I have errands to run and it'll be nice to be outside without my down jacket!

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