Monday, April 13, 2009

100-Year-Old Driver Day

It's 100-Year-Old Driver Day here in the jewel of the North Country. While there's a Bad Driver Convention held frequently in Plattsburgh (begins on any Thursday with warm-up bad driving exercises, carries through Friday - Sunday, stragglers remain on Monday practicing the skills they learned, and early arrivers for the next convention begin arriving on Wednesdays), this was a "silver" opportunity. Pun intended. One geezer pulling out of a business onto the busiest street in town and he's basically walking his car into traffic. Brand new car, too. I guess he didn't want to get any sand or dirt on it.

No turn signals, driving well under the speed limit, turn signal on but not turning, oblivious to anyone else on the road, not turning right on red. All white-haired drivers. And I'm pretty close to that at this point, white-haired, I mean. It's still a lot of colors but the primary impression is: G R A Y. So I don't think it's the pot calling the kettle, if you know what I mean. I'm a very early retiree but being a retiree I believe I can say bad things about my cohort. Bad thing number one: Old people can't and shouldn't drive!

Okay, now that's done, let me give you what my menu was for Easter. It was such a nice meal, with friends over. I love to have guests for dinner and Bruce is finally adjusting to that idea. Anyway: Easter ham with real mashed potatoes, Roasted Butternet Squash with Balsamic Glaze, Shredded Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, butterhorn (homemade) rolls, and pastry tart shells filled with fresh fruit with vanilla yogurt. YUM. We just reran much of the meal and I'm stuffed again. But today was a trainer day so I feel about, ooh, that guilty.

But now I have to go drink an ocean. Working out requires water and the ham just sucked every drop of it somewhere!

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