Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good Day ... Mostly

I got my car today. I will, in the near future, post a pic of me with it, mimicking the photo I had Bruce take, almost exactly 11 years ago, of me with my first Beetle. Because this is my second Beetle. And it's not, sadly, blue. It's green. A very nice green, not the almost-chartreuse that's out now because it's a 2006, but a lovely, gentle green. With black leather (let's not go there) interior. Very sexy. Oh, I just got it. It's like me. Quiet on the outside, sexy on the inside. (That would be my very lame attempt at a joke. On myself.) But my first choice was blue. Second: pewter. And the fact that I wanted a manual transmission got me a green. How can anyone even say "Beetle" and "automatic" in the same sentence, for heaven's sake???

The reason I got a blue car when I got my first Beetle is that it was my first "divorce decision." That was the day I pretty much decided I would divorce my first husband. And I wanted a car that was so "not-Starla" that I picked a color I never would have before. And it was a gorgeous decision on many levels. The car looked like a jewel. Someone told me that. Honestly. I never wore blue. I wore green. But the green color wasn't available for at least a year and I wasn't willing to wait, not for just the color! So I picked "Bright Blue."

Then my hair started going seriously gray and blue "became" me. (As in, "That becomes you." I never did understand that comment. compliment?) And I have more blue in my wardrobe than I ever did before. Of course that means like one thing for summer and one for winter, but that's two more than in my previous life! And my blue Beetle did for me everything I needed it to do: It showed me I could make a decision alone that turned out to be a great decision. And my line at the time was that it made me feel as cute as it looked. It still does. It gave me a signature--people have said they're going to have to change their outlook to find me in a green Beetle! (And then when I un-hyphenate my name next year when my driver's license expires they'll have to adjust to that too!)

So now I'm green. I don't know how "green" this car is; I filled it today and will figure out the mileage when I fill next time. The old bluebaby really did average 30 mpg--28.5-31--so I was pretty happy. An acquaintance has a Honda hybrid that gets far better mileage, but ... it's not cute. And I've always been about appearances. You know that.

I will post that picture. I promise. But I just went to try to post pictures of my grandbabies and there's something wrong with that function. I think I'll just wait till next post and try again. Au revoir.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I love you, Carla! This is the best blog entry ever.