Saturday, November 22, 2008


We went to a women's hockey game tonight. PSU Women won the Division III National championship last year, beating hated Middlebury, and that's who they were up to play because there was a small tournament here: Middlebury, Elmira College, Williams College, and PSU. Yesterday Middlebury beat no.1-ranked Elmira and we beat Williams, so it was Middlebury against us. Again.

The only problem with our going to the game tonight is that it was held this afternoon. True bummer. These tournaments almost always have the games afternoon & evening, afternoon & evening. So we got to the arena at 6:30 or so and there wasn't one car there. We figured we'd blown it but didn't know how. So much for assumptions. Had we checked the schedule that we have magnetted to the fridge we would have seen that, duh, the game WAS this afternoon. So right now I just spent about 15 minutes trying to find the score. So much for the Internet being on top of things. The only place I could get it was on the Middlebury page: 2-2, a tie. I checked the college's women's hockey page, the local radio station, local newspaper and local TV station and no one had an update of the "they're going to play Middlebury tomorrow" stories. Sheesh.

So now I'm going to try to find something ... make that anything on TV and do some cross stitch/bead stitching. Here's what I'm working at:

It is totally beautiful, or will be when I finish it. It's an angel and was given to me by my sister about 5 years ago. No joke. I am determined to finish it. It's a mind-boggling design. (I could give you the title of the piece and have you search it out on the Web, or even give you the link for it, but I don't want you to see it finished until I finish it!) I had someone ask me if my sister gave it to me because she likes me or because she doesn't like me. I thought that was pretty funny. But you notice I'm not answering it.

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