Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day 2 of My New Regime

So here I am back, two days in a row. For me, that's an attention span that's twice as long as usual! And I do have something to report: I figured out that my darling dog may not be neurotic; I think maybe she has an autism-spectrum disorder. She LOVES patterned behavior; is frightened of loud noises; has almost preternatural hearing and can hear thunder approximately 50 miles away (judging by her immediate exit from wherEVER she is to her hidey-hole in the basement); sometimes exhibits behavior inappropriate to the social situation, e.g., barking and bristling at friends and probably sniffing the crotch of and/or licking bad guys (not that we often encounter those but there's a strong chance this behavior would ensue). HOWEVER, we love her bundles and bunches anyway, and since she's now an upper-middle-aged dog (10) who probably doesn't have all that many years left, we'll forgo therapy. Here's a great photo of Holly.

The other news is that there was a giant fire in Plattsburgh yesterday. After our favorite pre-hockey-game restaurant, Lum's, closed we migrated to the Perkins that opened about a year ago. It burned along with the Comfort Inn hotel it was connected to, along with the Legends Sports Bar that had opened about 6 mos. ago, if that. There was a visiting college basketball team staying there and they lost everything from their laptops to their jerseys. I really feel for them--as college students the loss of their laptops probably means their entire semesters' notes, quizzes, assignments, etc. Yikes. A conference that was in session had people leave, thinking it was a fire drill, and the attendees left purses, laptops and ... car keys! What a nightmare. I cannot imagine what the total bill will be that goes to the hotel's insurance companies. Wow. And my little it's-all-about-me take is that now we'll have to find ANOTHER pre-hockey-game restaurant. (I'll just put in paren's that this is the second of our favorite restaurants to meet its demise through fire. I think we'll just keep that off the Burgh's restaurant radar!)

Here's the local paper's and TV station's takes on the fire: the Press-Republican and WPTZ.

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