Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So Much for Good Intentions

So, I posted two days in a row and then missed one. Big surprise. But I wasn't feeling too great last night--my back almost seized at the bookstore and I took 4 ibuprofen at once, something I haven't done in a long time. It sort of plays havoc with my stomach. So I mostly lazed around and didn't do anything last night, even skipped Oratorio rehearsal. (We're doing the Messiah and I haven't sung that for probably 15 years so I thought I'd stay in it this semester.)

Workwas not great today. The idiot boss scheduled me for "lunch" at 3:00 p.m. This is after my starting work at 9:30 a.m. That's 5 1/2 hrs. without a break, which is not only unpleasant, it's illegal. My immediate supervisor came to me and apologized, saying she hadn't set the day's schedule and this would NOT happen again. I've thought from the get-go that the top manager might be not the best person there to have that top slot, but what do I know. The woman who supervises me is probably one of the smartest people there; I hope she climbs the store's ladder.

I sent my sister a little present-for-no-reason today. I love doing that. (I do wish sometimes that people would do it back but that is definitely NOT why I do it.) Anyway, the gift is a little box with a book, iPod for Dummies--and I think a pair of earbuds. I think she'll get a real kick out of it.

I shouldn't be working at a bookstore, especially one that sells all those little cute sort-of-tschotchkes. And pop-up anythings. I'm a total sucker for pop-ups. And animated things. And ..... I should probably get my pay in merchandise because I usually make it only a work day or two without buying something. I'm sure they love me!

1 comment:

Pi said...

At least it's not a clothing store where you're 'encouraged' to wear their clothes. How convenient.... "Here's a 30% discount, cute clothes that we'd LOVE you to wear to work and you get paid 5 cents above minimum wage..."

The iPod book sounds cute!! I never know who to send stuff like that to. I guess you'll start topping my list. (wink, wink)