Sunday, November 23, 2008

Random Subject 1

I've set my computer up to go into the My Pictures folder and randomly fun them across my screen as my screensaver. It's having two effects: 1) I'm cleaning up my photos--I appear to have a LOT that are less than interesting--even to me, and 2) I'm going to write about a few of them here. So I'll let my screensaver kick in and see what comes up right now. I just have to sit here patiently...

Okay. Here are tonight's photos. (I decided to do a few because it shows the story better.)

And here's the story: My ex-husband teaches philosophy at PSU. In this job he is now teaching a class on fly-fishing. For credit. It's part of the Expeditionary Studies program (created and run by my former boss's (dean's) husband, a current golden boy on campus). He's been joined before by my husband and my husband's oldest fishing partner, John. So Bruce & John helped Chuck teach his students to tie flies, and then how to fish them. There was a third TU member (that's Trout Unlimited to gill-free readers) who joined them, my friend Hap, who was in my first music group, Happenstance. Plattsburgh is truly a small world, no? Anyway, someone took these photos at the final exam, when each student had to tie flies, three, I think. You can see that the teachers had probably more fun than the students.

Just to identify the photos: Top is Hap, John, & Chuck (L to R); middle is students working on their flies; bottom is Bruce clowning around with John.

I'm not sure what I think of this course. I know that Chuck has taught sport and philosophy for a long time, which is pretty ironic since one of the first jobs he applied for was teaching the philosophy of sport at ... UNC? North Carolina State? Anyway, a school in that area that was pretty much jock heaven. He scoffed then. (That memory just popped into my head right now; I remember the phone interview he had. Wow) And I'm sure that he does teach philosophy and require the students to read and write philosophy as well as tie flies. But ... like I said, I'm not sure. I'll leave the judgments to you, Dear Reader.

Anyway, that's the pic of the day. I wonder what will come up next time.........


Kate said...

Interesting random post. I kind of like explaining pictures. It's journaling, in a sense, or electronic scrapbooking.

I think you should consider yourself tagged for the wedding tag I just did on my blog. It takes a little time... and you don't have to post a lot of pictures like I did... but it's a lot of fun.

Pi said...

Ok - these pictures are EXACTLY why I grew up thinking that my dad napped for a living..... I'd leave for school and dad was on the couch reading the paper. I came home from school and dad was napping on the couch. As I started into college he would tell me about the courses he was teaching, including 'a class on tying flies'. Really dad. REALLY???

To each his own and I guess it would be pretty cool to get paid to show off your hobby....