Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Fun for Mimi

I was sewing this weekend, one of the activities I most enjoy. I made a dress for Kyrin. Actually it started out as a dress but I think it might actually wind up as a top, especially if I'm not able to get a bit more of the fabric to make the matching panties. The pattern was for a long dress but I'm not a big fan of long dresses on very little girls unless they're attending a wedding reception at the Plaza (wherever--there are Plazas everywhere I'd bet). I also didn't have enough fabric for that, so I cut it shorter. But I should have NOT figured in the 1-1/4" hem--should have left that allowance there and then I would have a dress. Ah well, 20/20 hindsight, as usual. Here's the completed piece (I still have to do the neckline hook-and-eye.)

The fabric is really very pretty. It's a color-on-color print, weave, actually, with waffle-weave squares alternating with squares in which a color-on-color Pooh Bear appears. Very Pooh--it's the perfect Pooh soft gold, and very subtle. Gorgeous. I'm not sure that a 2-year-old will appreciate it but adults who see her in it will (I hope!). I'll send this piece down and then if Jane is able to get me a bit more of the fabric and mail it to me, I can make the panties and send them as soon as they're finished. Talk about poor planning.

Making this piece was a surprising amount of work. There was far more handstitching than I like: the armholes, the entire bodice lining edges. It looks lovely but sheesh! And the pattern was labeled "Easy." If any inexperienced sewer were to try this she'd use her scissors to slit her throat! Adding a gathered flounce is not "easy." The concept is a snap, sure, but the execution of it isn't. Not if you have fairly high standards about the evenness of the gathers across the full breadth of the hem. I did remember my mom telling me years and years ago that the trick in making gathers even was to do it by quarters. Boy was that good advice. And if a novice sewer didn't have my mom's voice in her ears, it could be a nightmare and then a disaster. Note to self: check pattern directions before purchase next time!

Realizing how much I do enjoy sewing makes me kick myself into getting to the closest JoAnn's. Because that's an hour's drive from here--and that's not like an hour's drive in a metro area, all you metro readers out there; this is from city to city with mountains and little mountain hamlets in between--it's not something I just do without thinking. I like to have an idea of what I'm looking for before I go. So: I think I'll get fabric to make myself a summer shirt and maybe I'll try a pair of shorts, too (pants are not my strong suit but that could very well be for lack of practice), and then some fabric for Emily's girls, and maybe something for a summer robe (or a new winter one if fleece is available) for Bruce and maybe for me.

So anyway, I get to show off the results of my labors here. I hope you enjoy it. (I really should have taken some shots of the handstitching that my hands are still aching from!)


AliceBronstad said...

Adowable! Just precious. The fabric is gorgeous and the dress a little dream!! Alice

Pi said...

Katie is going to look to stinkin' cute! Can't wait!