Sunday, May 3, 2009


It is so good to be home. I didn't realize just how much I'd missed Bruce. And I forgot to mention last night that when we got homeI walked into the kitchen to discover a vase of pink alstromeria with a Welcome Home card from Bruce. Just how sweet is this man? Yup, about that sweet!

So I thought I'd let you know where my stepdaughter is now taking up residence. Here's the link to Oakhaven, a spectacular horse facility outside the city and half as long a commute for her as it had been to her ranch. Her apartment is in the smaller building on the left, a lovely 2-BR with 30' ceilings.

Here's the link to the Web site for the stables:

My flights to and from were pretty uneventful except for the fact that JetBlue lost my luggage for awhile. I was paged at the baggage carousel when I arrived in Austin and told that my luggage had somehow missed the plane in Orlando that I had had to wait 3 hours for. I guess that time wasn't sufficient for my baggage handler to find it. But I refused to make Laura take me to the airport the next day to get the bag; it was supposed to arrive in the airport at 11:30 or so but I think it didn't get there till much later. So I was working working working in the clothes I'd flown in. Yuck. A very nice man delivered the bag at about 4:30 p.m. (I'd landed at about that time the day before.) So much for JetBlue being perfect!

But I've just taken a long break and planted things in my garden, picked out a million more oak leaves (curses on them!), tied up my clematis that grew from about 8" last week to about 30" today, and generally wandered around looking at all the things growing. We're having another real spring--maybe all global warming isn't so bad--and I'm loving it.

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