Friday, May 22, 2009

'Tis the Season

Peepers trill at night
Lilacs exhale their perfume
Open your windows

Well, that's my pathetic little attempt at haiku. It was brought on by my short trip home from the gym with my windows partly open (it's not that warm today!) and my car completely filled with the scent of lilacs in bloom--all the way from the edge of town to home. Glorious.

And two nights ago when it was warm enough for open windows, I got to hear the peepers in the pond in the woods behind the house.

So it IS spring. I thought I recognized the signs!

Unfortunately the photo doesn't catch the two soft pink columbine stems I cut from the plants outside my front door. They're hybrids and are really pretty. The black one should be in flower soon; it has nice blossoms. And my magnolia bush has a few floweres too--it's still pretty small. But I love the fact that someone who needed something so beautiful in this growing zone got down to business and hybridized a hardy magnolia. Take that, you Southerners! (AND we have spruce trees too. Flowering shrubs AND evergreens. Hmph. I'd like to see what you can put up to that!)

But on a much friendlier note, here's another of my favorites from the non-snow part of the year:

Dewdrops on hosta
(You can see it better if you look at a larger version of the picture.)

Just outside the porch door we've planted hostas. Almost every morning when I go out to get the paper, the leaves have big dew drops sparkling in the sunlight. It's just so pretty that it starts my mornings off well. They're big blue hosta and are really nice to have: very little care in return for lots of elegant greenery. Bruce is nuts about them and has planted varieties in a number of places. (I know we'll never compete with the Kruse Mfld garden but then again, we're not trying to.)

And my garden--well, I can see my creeping phlox in flower from here, providing a nice low backdrop for my small (but tough, tough, tough) flowering crabapple tree in full bloom. Those 1 1/2 - 2 hr. shots in the garden

I'm just so happy it's spring.

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