Saturday, June 2, 2007

UConn Visit

Well, I'm back from visiting the University of Connecticut where I went to give a talk at a conference. That was very successful, as was the idea of taking my brochures for my workshops. I spent $50 on them, but if I get even one booking for a workshop that'll certainly pay me back.

I ran a weird fever for about 3 hrs. while I was driving to Storrs (5 1/2 hr. drive). Then I got an ill-timed sinus headache on the day of the presentation and I wound up leaving the conference earlier than I had planned. But my timing turned out to be really good: I missed a nasty thunderstorm that passed through the Glens Falls area about 1/2 - 1 hr after I did, and then I had REALLY good luck: A State Trooper passed me on the highway when my cruise was set for about 75 (65 mph highway limit). Oops. I turned off the cruise--no brake lights showing--and slowed to 65, let some people pass me while I watched the Trooper up and down on the hills ahead (in the Adirondacks). I thought he was on a mission but he just seemed to be cruising in the left-hand lane. Then about 10-15 miles later I saw him hunkered down in among some trees & bushes in the median ... as I went past with my cruise at 70-71. I was behind another car--can't remember if it was a Canadian license or not--but again I switched off the cruise and slowed a bit. And doggone it, the Trooper pulled out behind me.

Now I've never gotten a speeding ticket. Ever. And there I am, a gray-haired lady in a spiffy bright blue Beetle, being a (pretty) good driver. So I'm thinking of the many cuss words I know--there are quite a few--and the Trooper pulls up next to me. I glanced over, thinking he was going to tell me to pull over and then get the other car too (I've seen that a lot lately). But no, he pulled IN FRONT OF ME and THEN turned on his flashers!!!!! He was nailing the car in front of me for speeding! I very carefully put on my turn signal and pulled left to go around--a little below 65 mph--and got my heart started again. Whew doesn't begin to cover it!

The worst part of the whole incident? I was in a 50-mile no-cell-service area so I couldn't call Stan and tell him about the near miss. RATS! I had the earphone in and the cell on my lap for MILES but there was just no point. Service is available when I'm about 1/2 hr from home. AAAARGH!

Will I stay at the speed limit in the future? Probably not, but then, I rarely go 10 mph over. Driving to CT however, about 1/3 of the trip is on the Mass Pike where everyone, and I do mean everyone (but me) was going 85. I did a little over 75 from time to time but felt much more comfy at 75. So they passed me. I was very okay with that.

I was taken out for dinner near UConn to a very nice restaurant where I had, for the first time, soft-shell crabs. You eat the whole thing; they're a little crunchy. But it's a very mild crab flavor. I don't know that I'll ever order them again; now that I've had the experience and it really did NOT wow me, I can pass it up in the future.

No photos for this report. I may not be back here until after Jane's wedding.

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