Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm still here!

This will be very brief and I'll try to expand a bit tomorrow. I'm really, really tired because my adrenaline was so high for a period today and then it dropped and I made about 8 dozen Spritz cookies and wrapped presents, on either side of making lamb chops for dinner (for the first time in my life) ... and they were very tasty!

Why was my adrenaline up? you might ask. Because I was in a minor accident that almost was a T-boner--either I would have broadsided someone or he would have done it to me. As it was I managed to pull my car to the left and scraped across his front bumper. Then I slid across the opposite lane and headed directly for a sturdy wooden fence in someone's front yard but I went onto the grass where my wheels finally got some purchase and I didn't even get a scratch -- on me OR the car. But the other guy never even came to see if I was okay; he just took off. I did call 911 (after a call to Bruce) and reported it all to a very nice trooper, who nearly fell on his fanny getting out of his car. Slippery doesn't begin to describe it.

More tomorrow. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Scary, Carla! I'm glad you're OK!