Thursday, December 18, 2008

Picture Postcard World

I live in a world of picture postcard pines. Driving home from the bookstore today I passed countless evergreens (I was driving; I couldn't count them!) that are snow-laden just like those always pictured when showing ski resorts or the Adirondacks. The roads were slushy and brown but the pines were beautiful. I do love this area. Looking out my window right now I see about 4" of snow on the cedar rail fence around my garden. It's so pretty. (It covers all the leaves I didn't rake off my garden. But my plants seem to do fine with a bit of insulation through the cold cold months. How's that for rationalizing?) I think I really am gearing myself up to walking outside again; I miss walking around the block here and keeping an eye on snow-covered trees, the now-frozen now-not river and its winter changes.

The bookstore was busy all day today, and I'm probably in a pretty good frame of mind because I only worked 8:00 - 3:00 today. Next week will be a long one again: 8:00 - 5:00 on Monday, Tuesday and ... dah da dah dah (think mournful, threatening music) Friday. I'll just paste a smile on that day and try to deal with all the people who want to return things without receipts. Maybe I'll try to find an attractive flak jacket between now and then! But that schedule means I'll be able to make my cinnamon rolls--yes, just like my mom made every Saturday--for friends. I won't eat too many of them because I'm still working at staying low-carb. My cookie and candy intake has been remarkably low this year. I'm not sure how long that will last but I'm trying!

Light is fading outside; it's getting close to that shortest day. The air seems blue.

Have a good evening.

1 comment:

Pi said...

WAH! I want sweet rolls! With LOTS of frosting! Those are the best. It's too bad I really don't bake....

Enjoy the snow. I do miss it once in a while, but I have to say I enjoyed the 80 degree temps today even more. =)